splash around

splash aroundsplash around
  1. So I guess you just not splash around too much .


  2. Let them splash around in the pool for a while .


  3. I 'll swim up to his castle , then flounder will splash around to get his attention .


  4. Usually they splash around in mucky puddles ( they don 't have sweat glands ) , but this year he decided they needed something extra .


  5. The boy 's resourceful father removed the seats from the back of the van and lined it with plastic before filling the back of the vehicle up with water , creating a private " pool " for Zhou Yuhang to splash around in any time he fancies a dip .


  6. You 'll need to master that first , otherwise your swimming will always be like the doggy-paddle . You 'll splash water around a lot , with very little result .
